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Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

Payday Loans

Payday Loans are the only real way to borrow money quickly.We offer a service that enables you to get fast cash deposited into your bank account – sometimes the day you make your application.

If you live in the UK and currently have a job (either full time, part time of self-employed) then we can get you a payday advance of any amount between £100 and £1000. Best of all most of our loans are completed without the need for any paperwork of faxes.

We work with a huge panel of payday loan lenders that enable us to give you full access to all of the UK lenders on our panel. prides itself on getting people same day loans as we know once you have made your application you do not want to wait to be approved. In most circumstances you will get an instant decision – exactly what you want.

A payday loan is a great way to advance your next payday to bring you cash early. It is a perfect way to pay for emergencies or any crisis that has happened that you were not expecting. We understand that sometimes you cannot budget for these circumstances and may need cash today.

An application with takes just 2 minutes – your decision could be instant – your loan should be with you on the same day. We believe we offer the best service of this kind in the UK.
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Semoga bermanfaat.

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Medhy Aginta

Jika artikel ini bermanfaat, silahkan isikan alamat email Anda untuk berlangganan artikel secara gratis melalui email:

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Koneksi Internet dengan PPPconfig

PPPconfig merupakan tool berbasis setup untuk mengelola koneksi dial-up. Meskipun awalnya hanya digunakan untuk mengelola akses dial-up, namun sekarang dapat digunakan untuk mengelola koneksi broadband seperti DSL. Tool ini sangat fleksibel namun tidak mudah dalam konfigurasinya, tetapi di setiap langkah-langkah konfigurasi akan disertakan dengan penjelasaanya. PPPconfig mampu mendeteksi secara otomatis modem yang terpasang pada komputer/laptop serta mendukung metode otentikasi PAP, CHAP, dan CHAT. Paket PPPconfig sudah disertakan pada kebanyakan distribusi GNU/Linux (Ubuntu, SUSE, Fedora dll) yang ada secara default, sehingga tidak perlu lagi menginstalasi paket tersebut secara terpisah.
Tutorial kali ini penulis akan membahas bagaimana menggunakan PPPconfig dalam mengkonfigurasi modem USB agar terhubung dengan internet.
Modem USB yang digunakan adalah Modem USB EVDO dari Smart Telecom. Distribusi GNU/Linux yang digunakan adalah TeaLinuxOS 2.0.
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SOFTWARE ACRONICS .,Sebagai software yang biasa digunakan oleh para user PC /Komputer untuk mengatasi masalah PC yang terkendala karena software bermasalah .,bisa karena Virus atau memang sudah lama tidak di repair/install ulang sistem operasi.,

Yang biasa kita lakukan adalah Install ulang /REpair .,dan itu sangat membutuhkan waktu yang lama.,.dan membosankan apabila kita lakukan di komputer kantor /komputer warnet.,
Namun Dengan adanya bantuan software acronics yang berfungsi layaknya NORTON GHOST ini.,anda bisa menyelesaikan Pekerjaan Lebih cepat.,tanpa capek menginstal program 2 sebelumnya sperti mozilla ,MS OFFICE ,ADOBE dll

Software Acronics Bisa anda Unduh Secara Gratis DENGAN KLIK DISINI.
Namun versi diatas itu trial atau masa percobaan.

Saya sendiri sangat terbantu dengan adanya software ini..

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Membuat File Image Ghost Windows Xp

Tidak seperti pada Windows Me, 98, atau 95, Windows Xp yang kita install di sebuah harddisk, tidak bisa begitu saja dapat dipakai di lain motherboard yang berbeda. Layar akan blue screen, atau sistem tidak loading sama sekali. Dengan cara sederhana, sebuah harddisk Windows Xp dapat dipakai pada motherboard yang berbeda, bahkan kita dapat membuat file imagenya dengan menggunakan Norton Ghost. Yang pada akhirnya, file image tsb dapat kita pakai, untuk nge-ghost hardisk-hardisk lain pada sebuah PC atau laptop.

Yang penting motherboard yang kita gunakan untuk membuat file ghost tsb sudah mendukung ACPI. Kita bisa lihat pada bios motherboard. Jika ACPI nya disable, kita harus meng-enable kannya dulu sebelum pekerjaan ini dimulai.

  • Enable kan ACPI pada bios.
  • Instal Windows Xp beserta program-program lain selengkap mungkin dan sesuai kebutuhan.
  • Driver tidak apa-apa diinstal juga.
  • Buatlah sebagus mungkin Windows Xp nya dan kestabilannya.
  • Jangan lupa didefrag untuk lebih merapikan susunan file dalam harddisk.

  1. Klik Kanan Icon My Computer pada desktop
  2. Klik Properties, hardware, device manager
  3. Pada Tab Computer, update driver secara manual, dan ubahlah menjadi Advanced Configuration Power Interface (ACPI) PC.
  4. Pada Tab IDE ATA/ATAPI Controller, Update driver secara manual, dan ubahlah menjadi standar semuanya (ke-3 nya)
  5. Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller
  6. Standard IDE/ESDI Hard Disk Controller
  7. Standard IDE/ESDI Hard Disk Controller
  8. Restart your computer. Setelah masuk ke windows lagi, rapikan kembali Windows Xp nya. Kemudian Shutdown. Pada posisi seperti ini, harddisk tsb dapat dipakai di semua motherboard yang ber ACPI.


  • Disarankan menggunakan Norton Ghost 2007. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar file image yang kita buat, dapat digunakan untuk nge-ghost HDD SATA dan nge-ghost via USB
  • Jika HDD SATA yang dighost tsb untuk Laptop, maka disable Fiture SATA (dan / atau yang berkaitan) pada bios laptop tsb. Jika tidak di disable kan, Windows Xp akan berulang kali restart (gagal masuk windows)
  • File image yang kita buat ini, tidak support pada mainboard yang tidak ber ACPI
  • Kita dapat menggunakan Norton Ghost 2007 pada BootCD Hiren’s. Baik untuk membuat file image nya (gho) maupun untuk nge-ghost hdd lain.
  • Untuk dapat menggunakan Norton Ghost, itu mudah saja. Ikuti saja langkah-langkah yang ada.
  • File image ini sudah saya test pada motherboard rakitan dan build up, processor intel dan AMD, pada PC maupun laptop.
  • Jika kita ingin membuat file image (gho) yang dapat bekerja pada mainboard yang tidak ber ACPI, maka kita harus meng disable kan semua komponen (LPT, USB, Sound, Dll), kecuali IDE, VGA, Keyboard dan mouse. Disable ini kita lakukan sebelum kita memulai pekerjaan instalasi Windows Xp.
  • Pada Device Manager, Tab Computer, harus tersetting Standard PC
  • Pada Tab IDE ATA/ATAPI Controller, sama seperti yang di atas.
  • Dan lakukan Scan for hardware changes. Untuk memasukkan driver NT power management nya. Agar windows dapat power off pada saat shutdown. Jika ini tidak dilakukan , maka pada saat shutdown, maka CPU tidak power off.

Ok Gitu aja, selamat praktek dan sukses.

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Membuat Image Norton Ghost Windows XP Universal : Kloning Untuk Semua PC

Beberapa minggu yang lalu saya kedatangan tamu spesial, yang mempunyai karakter dan hobby yang mirip dengan saya. Banyak hal yang saya dapatkan darinya, dari banyaknya pengalamannya, terutama soal koleksi cd, dvd dan downloadan. Karena hardisk saya sudah limit maka dari 500 hardisk portablenya, hanya beberapa GIGA yang sempat mampit ke netbook pink-ku, yakni file iso cd ghost-ghost an Windows XP universal yang bisa dikloningkan ke semua PC.
Setelah mencobanya dikloningkan ke beberapa PC dan netbook, hasilnya cukup memuaskan, Windows langsung bisa bunyi dan tanpa kesulitan mengetik serial number dan masalah craking lainnya. Namun sayang beberapa aplikasi yang include berbahasa asing yang sangat asing (mungkin thai atau rusia). Karenanya alif mencoba mencari dokumen cara membuat image Ghost Universal sendiri, sehingga Windows kloningan menjadi yang saya inginkan (terutama Office, arabic support dan multimedia tentunya). Dengan Everything Searh Engine, bisa ditemukan dokumen itu ada pada folder downloadan saya dengan nama "05april2010", hampir setahun lalu saya menemukan caranya, hanya saja belum sempat dipraktekkan.
Ternyata analoginya, SPAT akan membuat Windows berkonfigurasi tertentu dan membuat skydriver atau Easydriver sebagai pendeteksi driver yang dibutuhkan dan menginstallnya otomatis saat pertama kali booting dari hasil ghost-ghost an (dan Windows induk pun terkena nasib yang sama, sehingga semua driver yang sudah diinstall akan dihapus dan dihilangkan otomatis oleh SPAT). Sehingga setelah ujicoba ini Windows pun saat di restart akan seperti ghost-ghost an, akan melakukan setup mini terhadap driver yang telah dihapus.
Ghost-ghost an Windows XP normal umumnya akan gagal dikloningkan pada komputer lain karena masalah hardware alias driver, nah dengan metode ini kita bisa memecahkan masalah tersebut. Kalaupun bisa, biasanya tidak setabil dan sering ngadat.
Untuk membuat image ghost universal sebetulnya caranya sangat mudah, kita hanya butuh dua aplikasi utama yaitu SPAT (System Preparation Assisted Tool) dan Skydriver atau easy driver dari
Cara simpelnya :
1. Install atau buat (konfigurasikan) Windows XP anda sebaik mungkin dan selengkap mungkin seperti yang anda inginkan atau butuhkan. Dan hapus file yang tidak berguna. Untuk aplikasi driver tidak masalah diinstall atau belum.
2. Download dua aplikasi yang dimaksud. SPAT download di sini , dan Easydriver di sini .
3. Ekstrak SPAT dimana saja boleh, tapi untuk Easydriver harus di C:\Sysprep, buat folder "Sysprep" pada C:\ atau rename saja folder ekstrakan easydrivernya dengan "Sysprep".
4. Siapkan gambar background setup yang akan tampil pada saat image ghost pertama diboot dan sysprep melakukan installasi mini. Misal setup.jpg (bisa 800x600 atau 1024x768 24 bit format jpg). Taruh gambar itu pada folder C:\Sysprep.
5. Jika semua sudah siap, jalankan saja SPAT*.EXE. Kita menuju ke menu tab "General" dan pilihlah "select all". Klik pada "Background picture" dan pilih setup.jpg yang sudah disiapkan (C:\Sysprep\setup.jpg).
6. Masuklah pada tab "Interface" dan pilihlah "Run before mini-setup" dan pastikan menambahkan C:\Sysprep\Easydrv.exe (atau nama semisalnya dari Skydriver atau easydriver).
7. Masuklah ke tab "Reseal" dan pilihlah/centang hal-hal yang anda sukai.
8. Kembali ke tab "General" dan klik "sysprep".
9. Sysprep akan bekerja 2 - 5 menit, biarkan hingga berhenti sendiri dan window nya hilang sendiri. Setelah selesai tunggu sekira 1 menit, lalu Shutdownlah Windows anda. Siapkan booting dari CD atau USB yang ada Norton Ghost atau aplikasi kloning lainnya (saran saya Hiren'sbootcd atau BoloplekCD).
10. Pada saat itu posisi drive C:\ siap di kloning dan simpan hasilnya pada drive lain. Image ghost nya bisa dijadikan master windows semua pc dan laptop / netboot yang mendukung Windows.
Pada pengalaman saya, setelah ujicoba, Windows induk jadi tidak bisa standby dan hibernate dan tidak bisa shutdown otomatis, perlu mencet tombol power untuk mematikan Windows, tetapi mungkin itu hanya untuk kasus saya (saya belum install ulang driver-driver netbook bawaan). Maaf, Screen shoot belum bisa diunggah, maklum dari modem yang lebih lemot dari wifi sekolah.
Untuk Windows Vista dan 7, bisa menggunakan Easy Sysprep yang lebih handal, mendukung semua versi Windows. Selamat mencoba dan bahagia....(tidak ada alasan lagi untuk install windows berjam-jam)
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Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

Cheap Phenermine

Phentermine Weight Loss

Are Constant Cravings Keeping YOU Overweight?

Slim YouLosing weight is never easy. You need every advantage out there to help you lose those extra pounds and keep them off for good. There are any number of diet pills, powders and shakes that promise results but deliver less than you’d expect. If you’re serious about losing weight and keeping the weight off, phentermine diet pills can give you the added boost you need to stick to your diet and watch the pounds drop away.

Phentermine works by helping to reduce those cravings that can steer you off course. You’ll feel more satisfied between meals and less likely to stray from your diet by having unhealthy snacks. We understand that poor eating habits can be hard to break, especially in today’s fast-paced, fast-food society.

With phentermine diet pills, you don’t have to worry that you’ll get off track, because you won’t be tempted by unhealthy foods.

As with any diet pill, phentermine works best when paired with an exercise plan and a healthy diet. But as every dieter knows, even the healthiest meals and the best exercises don’t help if you’re feeling hungry all the time. Hunger can make you feel restless, irritable, and unable to concentrate – that’s hardly the way to be your best! With this phentermine weight loss supplement, you’ll be able to banish those hunger pangs for good and feel better about yourself in the process.

Feel Better, Look Better, and Be Healthy with Phentermine

PhentermineLosing weight is all about empowerment – being able to make smart choices that will benefit you for the rest of your life. But if you’ve had problems losing weight in the past, diet and exercise alone probably won’t be enough to help you lose the weight and keep it off. Fortunately, with phentermine diet pills, you’ll have an added boost to ensure you stay on target with your weight loss goals.

No matter what kind of lifestyle you’re living, phentermine is easy to use – just one tablet in the morning lasts all day long. No need to try to juggle pills, powders, or messy protein shakes in the middle of a hectic day. Just one pill, and you’re on your way to a healthier, slimmer you!

Phentermine gives results in only a few weeks of use, so you can really tell the difference. In fact, many notice a decrease in appetite on the very first day!

Don’t Let Temptation Derail Your Diet Goals – Order Today!

Isn’t it time you stopped playing around and got serious about losing weight? Eliminate the unhealthy “yo-yo” effect of fluctuating weight-loss and weight-gain, and use phentermine to get consistent results that can be sustained long-term. The sooner you take control of your appetite, the sooner you’ll see positive results that you can feel good about.

You don’t have to spend a fortune to look your best. You can buy cheap phentermine directly from our site and start losing weight and save money in the process. Best of all, you can buy phentermine online from the privacy of your own home. If you order today, we’ll rush you your very own pack of phentermine diet pills at an amazing price – so act now and have the body you’ve always deserved!
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Russian Mail Order Brides

Mail Order Brides

We are a premium site for providing mail order brides. In case you have any friends or acquaintances who are married to mail order brides, you would know what the whole phenomena consists of. In fact, people who are settled with mail order brides actually tend to be quite happy and contented. Why is that so? This is because these brides stand for all that is desirable in a life partner. The Russian brides are not just extremely beautiful and feminine, but they are also quite a relationship oriented, meaning that they are open to love and dedication. So in case you are not getting the right life partner, you should try out our website.

Worried about the hassles of getting involved with an online agency? You do not need to worry as our website is quite easy to be handled. We have thousands of profiles of prospective mail order brides, who are looking for a serious relation. In case you want to get a free trial before you actually pay, that is possible. All you have to do is log into our website with your unique username and password. Once you are in you will get the option of browsing through the many profiles of the wonderful women interested to be mail order brides. You could create your own profile for the prospective Russian brides to browse through. What makes our website really cool is that you can create this profile absolutely for free.

However, in case you want to contact one of the mail order brides you will have to take up a premium subscription. Our subscription costs are quite nominal. In fact, the cost of taking up a premium subscription is lesser than that of hitting the town. Are you worried about the scams related to these mail order brides’ agencies, where personal information is extracted from your profile to later be misused by frauds posing as mail order brides? You can put your fears aside as we ensure that there is no specific need to provide information like address or telephone numbers. You can even maintain total anonymity in case you wanted to. Moreover, we keep on monitoring the profiles to ensure that there is no kind of abusive or deviant activity taking place or being encouraged here.

Our website is indeed one of the best places to look for mail order brides. Once you log onto our website, you get to see which of the profiles for mail order brides are most active. Whenever you are online, you will get to see the profiles of those mail order brides who are online and available to chat. In case you are interested in a particular profile, you can add the profile in your Hot List. Once you have someone on your hot list you want to know what she has been up to. In fact, even if she looks at your profile you will get a notification. It is indeed quite a simple task. To all those single men who are looking for Russian mail order brides, we are here just for you.
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Russian Mail Order Brides

We are a premium site for providing mail order brides. In case you have any friends or acquaintances who are married to mail order brides, you would know what the whole phenomena consists of. In fact, people who are settled with mail order brides actually tend to be quite happy and contented. Why is that so? This is because these brides stand for all that is desirable in a life partner. The Russian brides are not just extremely beautiful and feminine, but they are also quite a relationship oriented, meaning that they are open to love and dedication. So in case you are not getting the right life partner, you should try out our website.

Worried about the hassles of getting involved with an online agency? You do not need to worry as our website is quite easy to be handled. We have thousands of profiles of prospective mail order brides, who are looking for a serious relation. In case you want to get a free trial before you actually pay, that is possible. All you have to do is log into our website with your unique username and password. Once you are in you will get the option of browsing through the many profiles of the wonderful women interested to be mail order brides. You could create your own profile for the prospective Russian brides to browse through. What makes our website really cool is that you can create this profile absolutely for free.

However, in case you want to contact one of the mail order brides you will have to take up a premium subscription. Our subscription costs are quite nominal. In fact, the cost of taking up a premium subscription is lesser than that of hitting the town. Are you worried about the scams related to these mail order brides’ agencies, where personal information is extracted from your profile to later be misused by frauds posing as mail order brides? You can put your fears aside as we ensure that there is no specific need to provide information like address or telephone numbers. You can even maintain total anonymity in case you wanted to. Moreover, we keep on monitoring the profiles to ensure that there is no kind of abusive or deviant activity taking place or being encouraged here.

Our website is indeed one of the best places to look for mail order brides. Once you log onto our website, you get to see which of the profiles for mail order brides are most active. Whenever you are online, you will get to see the profiles of those mail order brides who are online and available to chat. In case you are interested in a particular profile, you can add the profile in your Hot List. Once you have someone on your hot list you want to know what she has been up to. In fact, even if she looks at your profile you will get a notification. It is indeed quite a simple task. To all those single men who are looking for Russian mail order brides, we are here just for you.
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